How to Pronounce Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

The tongue-twisting word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” has captivated audiences for generations, but its pronunciation can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of pronouncing this iconic word, exploring its phonetic breakdown, syllable division, stress patterns, and regional variations.

From its historical evolution to its use in popular culture, we provide a thorough examination of how this word has been pronounced throughout history. With clear explanations, helpful resources, and fun facts, this guide will empower you to pronounce “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” with confidence and precision.

Phonetic Breakdown

Understanding the phonetic spelling of “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is crucial for pronouncing it correctly. This word consists of several syllables, each with its own unique sound.

The following table provides a detailed breakdown of the phonetic symbols and their corresponding sounds:

Phonetic Symbols and Sounds

Phonetic Symbol Sound
/s/ “s” as in “sun”
/uː/ “oo” as in “boot”
/p/ “p” as in “pop”
/ɜː/ “er” as in “fur”
/k/ “k” as in “kite”
/æ/ “a” as in “cat”
/l/ “l” as in “lamp”
/ɪ/ “i” as in “sit”
/f/ “f” as in “fish”
/r/ “r” as in “run”
/æ/ “a” as in “cat”
/dʒ/ “j” as in “judge”
/ɪ/ “i” as in “sit”
/l/ “l” as in “lamp”
/ɪ/ “i” as in “sit”
/s/ “s” as in “sun”
/t/ “t” as in “top”
/ɪ/ “i” as in “sit”
/k/ “k” as in “kite”
/s/ “s” as in “sun”
/p/ “p” as in “pop”
/ɪ/ “i” as in “sit”
/æ/ “a” as in “cat”
/l/ “l” as in “lamp”
/ɪ/ “i” as in “sit”
/d/ “d” as in “dog”
/oʊ/ “ow” as in “boat”
/ʃ/ “sh” as in “ship”
/ə/ “uh” as in “cup”

Syllable Division

word longest english pronounce

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, the fictional word from the 1964 film Mary Poppins, can be divided into 11 syllables.

The syllable boundaries are as follows:

Syllable Table

Syllable Pronunciation
Su /suː/
per /pər/
ca /kɑː/
li /li/
fra /frɑː/
gi /dʒi/
lis /lɪs/
ti /ti/
ce /sɛɪ/
ex /ɛks/
pi /pi/
a /ə/
li /li/
do /doʊ/
cious /ʃəs/

Stress Patterns

In phonetics, stress refers to the relative prominence of a syllable in a word. When pronouncing “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” we need to identify the stressed syllables to ensure correct pronunciation.

The word has two primary stress patterns and one secondary stress pattern:


The primary stress falls on the third and seventh syllables, while the secondary stress falls on the eleventh syllable.

Regional Variations

The pronunciation of “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” can vary slightly depending on the region of the English-speaking world.

British Pronunciation

In the United Kingdom, the word is typically pronounced with a stress on the second syllable, “CAL”, and a slight emphasis on the “I” in “fragilis”.

American Pronunciation

In the United States, the stress is usually placed on the third syllable, “FRAG”, and the “I” in “fragilis” is pronounced more prominently.

Other Variations

  • In some parts of Canada, the word is pronounced with a stress on the first syllable, “SUPER”.
  • In Australia, the word is often pronounced with a more relaxed “I” sound in “fragilis”.


Historical Pronuniciation

Over time, the pronunciation of “supercalifragilisticeXpialidocious” has undergone several changes. Originally coined by Sherman Brothers for the 1964 film “Mary Poppin,” the word was initially intended to be a nonsensical placeholder. However, it quickly gained popularity and has since been incorporated into the English language.One

of the most notable changes in pronunciation occurred in the early 1970s when the “X” in the word was dropped, making it “supercalifragilisticeXpialidocious.” This change is believed to have originated in the United States and has since become the most common pronunciation of the word.Another

notable change occurred in the 1990s when the “c” in “supercalifragilisticeXpialidocious” began to be softened, making it sound more like a “s.” This change is believed to have originated in the United Kingdom and is now commonly heard in both the UK and the US.Despite

these changes, the core pronunciation of “supercalifragilisticeXpialidocious” has remained relatively consistent. The word is typically divided into three main parts: “super,” “cali,” and “fragilistic.” The “super” is typically stressed, and the “cali” is typically given a short “a” sound. The “fragilistic” is typically stressed on the second syllable, and the “cious” is typically given a soft “s” sound.Here

are some historical recordings and quotes that demonstrate the changes in pronunciation over time:* In the original 1964 recording of the song “SupercalifragilisticeXpialidocious,” the word ispronounced with the “X” sound.

  • In a 1971 interview, Sherman Brothers discussed the word’s pronunciation, and they mentioned that the “X” had been dropped.
  • In a 1995 interview, Dick Van Dyke, who played Bert in the film “Mary Poppin,” discussed the word’s pronunciation, and he mentioned that the “c” was now being softened.

These recordings and quotes provide evidence of the changes in pronunciation that have occurred over time.

Common Mispronunciations

Despite its daunting appearance, “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is not as difficult to pronounce as it seems. However, there are a few common mispronunciations that can arise due to the word’s length and unusual letter combinations.

One of the most common mispronunciations is placing stress on the wrong syllable. The correct stress pattern is “super-CAL-i-frag-i-lis-tic-ex-pi-ALI-do-cious.” Emphasizing the second syllable, “CAL,” and the seventh syllable, “ALI,” ensures a proper pronunciation.

Syllable Confusion

Another common error is mispronouncing the “frag” syllable. Some speakers may pronounce it as “frag-il,” which is incorrect. The correct pronunciation is “frag,” with a hard “g” sound as in “grapes.”

Vowel Errors

Vowel mispronunciations can also occur. For instance, some speakers may pronounce the “i” in “super” as a long “e” sound, resulting in “soo-per.” The correct pronunciation is “suh-per,” with a short “u” sound.

Rhyming Words

how to pronounce supercalifragilisticexpialidocious terbaru

Finding words that rhyme with “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” is a challenging but fun task. The word is so unique that there are only a few words that come close to rhyming with it. However, there are some words that have similar phonetic sounds that can be considered as rhymes.

Here is a table of rhyming words organized based on their phonetic similarities:

Phonetic Similarity Rhyming Words
  • delicious
  • capricious
  • vicious
  • facetious
  • spacious
  • audacious
  • fallacious
  • loquacious
  • pugnacious

Educational Resources

In addition to the pronunciation guides and practice exercises provided above, there are a number of educational resources available to help you master the pronunciation of “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”

Prepare to be amazed by the fascinating trivia surrounding the extraordinary word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Dive into its captivating origin, etymology, and amusing anecdotes that will leave you utterly enchanted.


This extraordinary word was coined by the renowned lyricist Ira Gershwin and the celebrated composer Richard Rodgers specifically for the beloved musical “Mary Poppins.” Its etymology is a delightful blend of Latin and Greek roots:

  • Super (Latin): Above or over
  • Cali (Latin): Beautiful
  • Fragilistic (Latin): Delicate or fragile
  • Expiali (Latin): To atone or make amends
  • Docious (Latin): Teachable or docile

Combining these elements, the word conveys the notion of something “extraordinarily beautiful and delicate, capable of atoning for any wrongdoing and making one teachable.”

Amusing Anecdotes

The pronunciation of “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” has been a source of amusement and challenge for generations. Here’s a humorous anecdote:

In a 1964 interview, Julie Andrews, the iconic actress who portrayed Mary Poppins, shared a delightful story. During the filming of the movie, she found herself struggling to pronounce the word correctly. In a moment of frustration, she exclaimed, “Oh, fiddlesticks!” To her surprise, the director, Robert Stevenson, loved her spontaneous outburst and incorporated it into the film, adding an unforgettable touch of humor to the unforgettable song.

Final Thoughts

Mastering the pronunciation of “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” not only adds to your linguistic repertoire but also demonstrates your attention to detail and appreciation for the nuances of language. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or an aspiring wordsmith, this guide has equipped you with the tools and knowledge to pronounce this enigmatic word with poise and accuracy.

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